Our approach to procurement
The Kids Research Institute Australia is a new kind of research institute. One where kids are at the heart of everything we do. Our vision is to improve the health and wellbeing of children through excellence in research. We have a bold blueprint which brings together the community, researchers, health practitioners, policy makers and partners who share our vision of discovery, prevention and curing childhood disease.
Our procurement is directly focused on supporting and improving the effectiveness of the medical research we undertake. We are committed to a strategic approach to procurement that focuses on robust and transparent procurement processes which are geared towards selecting high calibre, integrity driven and community-minded suppliers that will partner with us and provide optimal value for money.
At the The Kids we expect our suppliers to meet our standards and performance requirements and we also want them to share our values and commitment to research that makes a real difference to children's health and wellbeing in Western Australia.
Supply Partners
A Supply Partner is an organisation that has been pre-qualified and appointed by the Institute as a long term business partner within a particular category of goods and / or services.
Donate goods or services
Want to help The Kids? We welcome philanthropic corporate partnerships and accept a wide range of donated products or pro bono services. Learn more here or contact us directly.
Terms and Conditions
All goods and services supplied to The Kids Research Institute Australia are required to be provided in accordance with our standard General Conditions of Contract for the Supply of Goods and Services under a Purchase Order [PDF] unless a separate written contract has been executed by The Kids Research Institute Australia.
All suppliers will be expected to comply with the Institute’s Contractor Code of Conduct.
Read the purchase order terms and conditions PDF
All The Kids Research Institute Australia Supply Partners demonstrate a genuine commitment to helping the Institute innovate and come up with solutions.