Our research team is integrated into Kids Rehab WA, which is a state-wide, integrated clinical, research, education, and training unit, with headquarters at Perth Children’s Hospital.
Kids Rehab WA is a specialist Paediatric Rehabilitation Service which provides diagnosis, assessment, and management of children and adolescents with disabilities who require interdisciplinary goal-focused care to ensure they achieve the best level of function. We work in partnership with The Kids Research Institute Australia and University partners as a fully integrated clinical and research department, ensuring that our treatments are informed by the latest scientific advancements.
Kids Rehab WA offers research-informed services to children and youth with acquired or congenital neurological impairments, to improve functional outcomes.
The research program exists to:
- Generate, evaluate, and translate research findings.
- Build capacity in the field by training the next generation of Clinicians and Clinical Researchers.
Kids Rehab WA recognises that the experiences of children, their families, clinicians, and the community play a critical role in shaping our research. Our team proudly works alongside our well-established consumer reference group, ensuring the voices of children and families are central to everything we do.
Research Impact in the last 5 years
- Published 113 peer reviewed journal articles that have been cited 1710 times to date
- $22.9 million in active, competitive research funding
- Over 100 national and international partners and collaborators
- 100% of projects led by Kids Rehab WA involve consumers
- Translating 5 International Clinical Practice Guidelines into clinical workforce
- 30% reduction in the rate and severity of CP, from 1 in 500 to 1 in 700 children as per the 2018 ACPR Report
- Network for early detection of CP commenced across rural and remote WA.
Team leader

Program Head, Diabetes, Metabolism & Clinical Sciences
Head, Kids Rehab WA

BSc (Hons), PhD, KTPC
Co-Head, Kids Rehab Research WA
Team members (17)

PhD, BSc (OT)
Director, Research

BSc(Nutr), GradDip(Diet), GradCert (HlthAdm), GradCert (PM)
Research Operations Coordinator
Honorary Research Associate
Honorary Research Associate
Honorary Research Associate
Honorary Research Associate
Honorary Team Member
Honorary Research Associate
Program Manager

Operations Manager

PhD, BSc

Honorary Health Professional/Research Associate

Dr Katherine Langdon
Consultant Paediatrician, Kids Rehab WA Honorary Health Professional Associate

Dr Caroline Alexander
Lead Postdoctoral Fellow, Curtin University Honorary Research Associate
Nadine Smith
Senior Physiotherapist, Kids Rehab WA Team Member
Sam Armstrong
Senior Physiotherapist, Kids Rehab WA Team Member
Dr Renae Dayman
Consultant Paediatrician, Kids Rehab WA Team Member
Kids Rehab Research WA projects
Featured projects
Genomic testing pathways for precision health in cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy is a diagnosis based on clinical signs and not aetiology or pathology, with only ~50% of children receiving a clinical diagnosis in the first year of life; limiting the opportunity for intervention where maximal neuronal plasticity may occur.
Active Strides-CP: Randomised trial of Intensive Rehabilitation (combined Intensive gait and cycling training) for children with moderate to severe bilateral cerebral palsy
Active Strides-CP is an RCT assessing a new treatment for children with moderate to severe CP, combining intensive gait and cycling training to simultaneously address motor and participation outcomes.
Other projects
Accelerate-WA Network: Developing a sustainable family-clinician-researcher network for education and training in the early detection of cerebral palsy for all infants in Western Australia ENVISAGE – ENabling VISions And Growing Expectations CP Movetime: A wearable sensor and user interface to reduce sedentary behaviours in non-ambulant children and youth with cerebral palsy Early Moves Project