The BREATH team is passionate about finding ways to improve the health trajectories of children through multiple approaches. A strong focus is on lung health in First Nations children.
We employ participatory action research to facilitate culturally secure knowledge translation. We work in partnership with First Nations communities throughout WA and wider Australia, local State and Aboriginal health services and other key stakeholders to achieve meaningful and sustainable improvements in the health system. We also integrate basic science with clinical medicine across a range of areas including:
- The prevention of permanent lung disease/bronchiectasis by a) the early recognition and management of chronic wet cough and protracted bacterial bronchitis and b) ensuring high quality follow-up for vulnerable children hospitalised with chest infections
- Accurate prediction and diagnosis of asthma in young children through use of metabolomics and other biomarkers
- Collaborating with the Airway Epithelial Research Team to develop cell models to study interstitial lung disease
Other key collaborations include:
- Multi-centre randomised controlled trial exploring new therapies for primary ciliary dyskinesia (REPEAT)
- Multi-centre randomised controlled trial investigating the effectiveness of a Bronchiectasis Action Management Plan (BAMP)
- A multicentre Bayesian informed Adaptive Trial studying exacerbations of Cystic Fibrosis (BEAT-CF)
Related links
- Acute Lung Sickness Flipchart
- Chronic Lung Sickness Flipchart
- Chronic Lung Sickness Flipchart (KRIOL)
- Chronic Lung Sickness Flipchart (KUKATJA)
- Chronic Wet Cough Telethon Page
- Chronic Wet Cough Facebook Page
- Chronic Wet Cough Video
- Chronic Wet Cough Audio
- Chronic Wet Cough Flipchart
- Chronic Wet Cough Flowchart
- Clinician and staff training
- Radio ad with Francis Watson 1
- Radio ad with Francis Watson 2
- Radio ad with Francis Watson 3
- Wet cough podcast
- Wet cough poster - 1
- Wet cough poster - 2
- Wet cough poster - 3
Team leader

Program Head, Respiratory Health RFA
Team members (7)

BNursingScience, CertPaediatricNursing
Honorary Team Member

MHlthSc, BBiomedSci

BSc (Hons) PhD
Program Manager

PhD Student
Nicola Ball
Honorary team member
Crystal Bourke
Honorary team member
Joanna White
Honorary team member
BREATH (Building Respiratory Equity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health) projects
Featured projects
Implementation of on-line training modules in paediatric Aboriginal lung health
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships to Prevent Permanent Lung Disease (APPLE Study)
In partnership with Aboriginal health services, Government agencies and communities, we will develop and implement evidence-based strategies to improve the detection and management of chronic wet cough in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.
Other projects
Kids Easy Breathing Study Using syringe infusion pumps Springfusors for the administration of intravenous antibiotics for children with CF at PCH (SIPS-CF) Adaption and implementation of Aboriginal child lung health tools for northern Western Australia Prevalence of chronic wet cough, protracted bacterial bronchitis (PBB) and middle ear disease in the Kimberley Metabolomics to predict asthma in children (MAP Study) Improving lung health of Aboriginal children hospitalised with chest infections – Aboriginal Children’s Excellent (ACE) Lung Health Study