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Adolescent education outcomes and maltreatment: The role of pre-existing adversity, level of child protection involvement, and school attendance

Maltreated children are at high risk for low educational achievement, however few studies have accounted for confounding risk factors that commonly co-occur (including child, family and neighbourhood risk factors) and results have been mixed, particularly for adolescents.


The impact of expanding access to early childhood education services in rural Indonesia.

This article examines the relationship between preschool quality and children’s early development in a sample of over 7900 children enrolled in 578 preschools in rural Indonesia.


Children and young people at risk of disengagement from school

The review examines the international literature to determine how disengagement can be defined & understood, & then examines student disengagement in Australia.


Wellbeing and academic achievement paper

In this report, we explore the relationship between student wellbeing, school engagement, and academic achievement.

News & Events

Every day counts in the classroom

A recent study from The Kids Research Institute Australia has revealed some interesting facts about just how important those school attendance days are.


Child development at school entry and student wellbeing six years later

It has been well established that children's development at school entry is associated with their later academic achievement, but less is known about whether there is also an association with other measures of school success, such as students' social and emotional wellbeing.


Parents’ attitudes towards the No Jab No Play legislation in Western Australia: a mixed methods study

Mandates provide a relatively cost-effective strategy to increase vaccinate rates. Since 2014, five Australian states have implemented No Jab No Play (NJPlay) policies that require children to be fully immunised to attend early childhood education and childcare services. In Western Australia, where this study was conducted, NJNPlay legislation was enacted in 2019. 


Pre-service teachers’ experiences with students impacted by Trauma in the school setting

Experiencing trauma can adversely impact a child's education and their lifelong social, physical and mental health. Trauma is poorly understood by those working within the education sector. Teachers play a pivotal role in recognising and helping when children display trauma-related behaviours, but risk re-traumatising children if not adequately trained. Pre-service teachers have limited exposure and experience in responding to the different needs experienced by children impacted by trauma. 


Minority stressors, traumatic events, and associations with mental health and school climate among gender and sexuality diverse young people in Australia: Findings from a nationally representative cohort study

Population-level, nationally representative data on the prevalence of minority stressors and traumatic events, mental ill-health effects, and the preventative utility of school climate, among gender and sexuality diverse young people in Australia, is significantly lacking.


School staff responses to student reports of bullying: A scoping review

Bullying in schools has been associated with poor academic and mental health outcomes in students. While students are often encouraged to report bullying incidents to school staff, some students avoid reporting incidents as they lack faith in staff members ability to intervene.