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The Kids researcher wins Premier’s Science Award

The Kids researcher Dr Hannah Moore has been named Woodside Early Career Scientist of the Year at the 2015 Premier's Science Awards.

News & Events

Infection takes high toll in young children

A new study has found that infectious diseases are the most common reason that children under two years of age are admitted to hospital.

News & Events

Perth children and seniors needed for bird flu vaccine study

Perth researchers have begun a trial to test the effectiveness in children and seniors of a new vaccine to protect against the potentially deadly bird flu.


Impacts of armed conflicts on tuberculosis burden and treatment outcomes: a systematic review

This systematic review aimed to summarise existing literature on the impacts of armed conflicts on tuberculosis burden and treatment outcomes.


Cohort profile: A population-based record linkage platform to address critical epidemiological evidence gaps in respiratory syncytial virus and other respiratory infections

The Western Australia (WA) Respiratory Infections Linked Data Platform is a population-based cohort established to investigate the epidemiology of RSV and other respiratory infections in children aged 0-10 years, incorporating microbiological testing patterns, hospital admissions, emergency department presentations, and socio-demographic data.


Attitudes, perceptions, and experiences of Western Australians towards vaccine safety surveillance systems following COVID-19 vaccines: A qualitative descriptive study

Concerns regarding adverse events following immunisation are a barrier to vaccine uptake. Health professionals use vaccine safety surveillance systems (VSSSs) to monitor vaccines and inform the public of safety data. With little known about public attitudes, perceptions, and experiences with VSSS, we examined them in the context of COVID-19 vaccinations in Western Australia.


Incremental effectiveness of 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine against pneumonia hospitalisation among Australian Indigenous children: A record linkage study

The impact of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCVs) on pneumonia in children is well-documented but data on 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV23) are lacking. Between 2001 and 2011, Indigenous children in Western Australia (WA) were recommended to receive PPV23 at 18-24 months of age following 3 doses of 7-valent PCV. We evaluated the incremental effectiveness of PPV23 against pneumonia hospitalisation.


Heritable and environmental determinants of hospitalisation for common childhood illnesses

We will leverage the unique Western Australian data linkage resources to undertake the definitive twin and sibling study of infection-related hospitalisation


GAMA project

This study investigated host gene expression in response to new HIV infection.


Widening the lens for pandemic preparedness: children must be seen and heard

The Australian and New Zealand Paediatric Infectious Diseases (ANZPID) Group of the Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases (ASID) calls for urgent consideration of the needs and voices of children in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and in planning for future pandemics.