Natasha Morrison
Aboriginal Researcher
Tash has been working in the Ear and Hearing Health team for 7 years, a key member of the Djaalinj Waakinj birth cohort study (2017-2021). Since, Tash has been working on the continued work at Cockburn Integrated Health providing fast-track audiology assessment for Aboriginal children with otitis media in the metropolitan area. Tash also played a key role in the Ear Explorers study (2019), which evaluated the use of remote technologies (video-otoscopy) in the diagnosis of middle ear disease.
Tash has a background in childcare and an Aboriginal Health Worker certificate from the Marr Moorditj, which compliments her current research area in paediatric ear health.
Djaalinj Waakinj Ear Portal: An ENT and Audiology referral pathway for improving access to ear and hearing services for Aboriginal children in the metropolitan area using telehealth
The Djaalinj Waakinj (Listening, Talking) Ear Portal project commenced in 2020 to evaluate an equitable ear and hearing care pathway for Aboriginal children residing in the metropolitan area of Perth.
Djaalinj Waakinj: A cohort study of otitis media in young urban Aboriginal children – prevalence, risk factors and consequences
Education and Qualifications
- Cert IV. Aboriginal Health
- Dip. Childcare
- 2022 – Supporting Training of Aboriginal Researchers and Staff (STARS) recipient
Active Collaborations
- Cockburn Integrated Health Centre – Urban Aboriginal Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic