People living in poverty have insufficient household income to meet an acceptable standard of living, and are thus prevented from realising their full potential.
As this Research Snapshot outlines, the experience of poverty in the early years can have widespread impacts on children’s health, development and educational success, well into adulthood. Poverty can also influence parenting skills and family functioning, leading to poor outcomes for children.
Evidence Report
This Evidence Report outlines the nature of poverty in Australia, and details the health and achievement gaps among disadvantaged children and their more affluent peers that emerge in early childhood, and continue to persist over the life course.
Read the Evidence Report for an in-depth look at Australian poverty.
Read the reportImpact of Poverty
Read the report
Research Snapshot
Growing up in poverty can have an impact on a child’s health, development and educational success well into adulthood. Even before they get to school, there are health and achievement gaps between children who are disadvantaged and others who are more well off.
Read this Research Snapshot for a quick look at the impact of poverty on early childhood development.