Global Disparities of Cancer and Its Projected Burden in 2050Cancer prevention and care efforts have been challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic and armed conflicts, resulting in a decline in the global Human Development Index (HDI), particularly in low- and middle-income countries. These challenges and subsequent shifts in health care priorities underscore the need to continuously monitor cancer outcome disparities and statistics globally to ensure delivery of equitable and optimal cancer prevention and care in uncertain times.
Mesothelioma survival prediction based on a six-gene transcriptomic signatureMesothelioma is a lethal cancer. Despite promising outcomes associated with immunotherapy, durable responses remain restricted to a minority of patients, highlighting the need for improved strategies that better predict outcome. Here, we described the development of a mesothelioma-specific gene signature that accurately predicts survival.

A first of its kind research program at The Kids Research Institute Australia aims to develop new strategies to better treat Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children with cancer.
Role of COL5A1 in lung squamous cell Carcinoma: Prognostic Implications and therapeutic potentialLung squamous cell carcinoma (LUSC) is a significant health concern, characterized by a lack of specific therapies and limited treatment options for patients in advanced stages. This study aims to identify key molecules of prognostic importance in LUSC and provide an experimental foundation for their potential therapeutic applications.
The relationship between non-communicable disease risk and mental wellbeing in adolescence: a cross-sectional study utilising objective measures in IndonesiaRisk factors for non-communicable diseases (NCDs, cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes, and mental disorders) arise in adolescence but are mostly framed as relevant to health in adulthood; little is known about the relationship between co-occurring NCD risks and mental wellbeing in young people.

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Crucial advancement in the treatment of childhood sarcomaCure Cancer and The Kids Research Institute Australia researcher Dr Ben Wylie announced new potential treatment in time for Childhood Sarcoma Awareness month.

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Prestigious national award for researcher seeking to improve Indigenous cancer outcomesCongratulations to Indigenous genomics researcher Dr Justine Clark, who is one of two scientists nationally to receive the Australian Academy of Science’s 2024 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Science Award.

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Multi-million-dollar investment in child health to support vital researchFour The Kids Research Institute Australia researchers have received prestigious fellowships and four significant cohort studies led or co-led by The Kids have received key grants under two new funding programs supported by the State Government’s Future Health Research and Innovation (FHRI) Fund.