News & Events
Prevention report shows clear path forwardThe health of Australia's children depends on a firm national commitment to implement the comprehensive strategy outlined by the Preventative Health Taskforce.
News & Events
First national snapshot of Australia's young childrenFor the first time, the Australian Early Development Index (AEDI) has been completed nationally, giving Australia a snapshot of young children's development.
Birthweight and the risk of childhood-onset type 1 diabetesWe investigated whether children who are heavier at birth have an increased risk of type 1 diabetes
Neighborhood Places for Preschool Children's Physical Activity: A Mixed-Methods Study Using Global Positioning System, Geographic Information Systems, and Accelerometry DataThis study adds to the current literature by using a novel device-based method to explore where preschool children are physically active outside of home and childcare settings. This study combined accelerometry with geospatial data to explore the influence of the environment on preschool children's physical activity by objectively identifying the locations where preschool children engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) within and outside of their neighborhood.
Infant and Pre-birth Involvement With Child Protection Across AustraliaInfants (<1 year old) are the age group in Australia with the highest rate of involvement with child protection. Many jurisdictions across Australia and internationally are implementing policies focused on prenatal planning and targeted support.This study investigates Australian trends in prenatal and infant child protection notifications, substantiations and out-of-home care; and the extent of over-representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander infants.
The non-specific effects of maternal immunization on birth outcomes: The evidence, mechanisms, and the implicationsPreterm birth (PTB) and stillbirth remain two of the most important causes of death, morbidity, and disability in childhood. Despite efforts to reduce PTB and stillbirth worldwide, rates of these adverse outcomes remain persistently elevated, independent of income setting. There is an urgent need for more effective interventions to reduce associated neonatal and early childhood morbidity and mortality.
Immunosuppressive mechanisms of oncofetal reprogramming in the tumor microenvironment: implications in immunotherapy responseBoth fetal and tumor tissue microenvironments display immunosuppressive features characterized by the presence of specific immunomodulatory stromal and immune cell populations. Recently, we discovered shared microenvironments between hepatocellular carcinoma and fetal tissues and described this phenomenon as an oncofetal ecosystem.
Estimated Therapy Costs and Downstream Cost Consequences of iBASIS-Video Interaction to Promote Positive Parenting Intervention vs Usual Care Among Children Displaying Early Behavioral Signs of Autism in AustraliaThe growing global prevalence of autism spectrum disorder is associated with increasing costs for support services. Ascertaining the effects of a successful preemptive intervention for infants showing early behavioral signs of autism on human services budgets is highly policy relevant.
The impact of weather on time allocation to physical activity and sleep of child-parent dyadsPrevious studies showed that unfavourable weather conditions discourage physical activity. However, it remains unclear whether unfavourable weather conditions have a differential impact on physical activity in children compared with adults.
Story to Change Culture on Early Childhood in AustraliThe goal of the article is to support the early childhood sector's efforts to increase the salience of early childhood as a social issue and change policy and practice to better support young children and their families. Cultural models shape how people think about social issues and support solutions.