Early versus late parenteral nutrition in term and late preterm infants: study protocol for a randomised controlled trialDespite the wide use of parenteral nutrition (PN) in neonatal intensive care units (NICU), there is limited evidence regarding the optimal time to commence PN in term and late preterm infants.
Regular exposure to non-burning ultraviolet radiation reduces signs of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in mature adult mice fed a high fat dietFrequent exposure to low levels of sunlight may reduce the severity of hepatic steatosis induced in older adults living in environments of high caloric intake
Pre- and probiotics for allergy prevention: time to revisit recommendations?We discuss how the choice of probiotic strains, timing and duration of administration can critically influence the outcome due to different effects on immune modulation and gut microbiota composition
Alignment of supermarket own brand foods’ front-of-pack nutrition labelling with measures of nutritional quality: An australian perspectiveThis study aimed to examine prevalence of front-of-pack nutrition labels on supermarket own brand foods, and alignment with patterns of nutritional quality
“Food faddists and pseudoscientists!”: Reflections on the history of resistance to ultra-processed foodsThe term 'ultra-processed food' emerged in the 1980s, mostly used in reference to highly-processed convenience foods and snacks, often energy-dense, poor in nutrients, and inclusive of various synthetic additives such as emulsifiers, colors, artificial sweeteners, and/or flavor enhancers.
Effects of pregnancy and lactation prebiotics supplementation on infant allergic disease: A randomized controlled trialIngestion of prebiotics during pregnancy and lactation may have immunomodulatory benefits for the developing fetal and infant immune system and provide a potential dietary strategy to reduce the risk of allergic diseases. We sought to determine whether maternal supplementation with dietary prebiotics reduces the risk of allergic outcomes in infants with hereditary risk.

News & Events
WA’s top health experts call for immediate action on junk food advertising on government propertyWA’s leading health agencies have joined forces to call on the State Government to immediately end junk food advertising on government property.
Food variety at 2 years of age is related to duration of breastfeedingThe aim of this study was to investigate the association of breastfeeding duration and food variety at 2 years of age.
Changes in dairy food and nutrient intakes in Australian adolescentsDairy nutrients, such as calcium, are particularly important in adolescence, a critical time for growth and development...
Micronutrient intakes from food and supplements in Australian adolescentsWe assessed micronutrient intakes in adolescents to determine whether supplement use optimises intakes.