The Power of Why
Our job is to find the answers. It's helping us change kids' lives. See the "why?"s we're asking and answering.

We're asking 'why?' to seek answers to the diseases, conditions, and issues that affect children around the world every day.
It's how we're continuing towards our mission of happy, healthy kids for life.
Why our research makes a difference
Research gives us the power to solve some of the most challenging health problems affecting our kids.
It helps us find causes, cures, and therapies to ensure all kids have happy and healthy lives free from illness.
Research ensures sick kids receive the very best and most up-to-date evidence-based treatment for their conditions.
It gives us the knowledge we need to tackle social problems, change public policy, and improve our communities.
Research is the key to seeing all children live happy and healthy lives.
Why we're educating future scientists
Our vision is simple: happy, healthy kids.
To help us achieve this goal, we need to educate the problem solvers of the future.
We are committed to training the next generation of child health researchers, to build capacity and excellence in our people, so they aren't afraid to ask the big questions or take on the seemingly impossible.
We provide an environment where students - completing Honours, Masters, PhD, and Doctor of Medicine degrees - thrive and are supported.
No challenge is too great for our researchers, who have relentless curiosity that helps us make kids healthy and happy.
Why your support matters
Our community plays an important role in what we do, how we do it, and what we achieve.
We acknowledge and value the wide range of experiences that children, young people, and families in our community bring to our research.
Through our CONNECT program, we aim to provide our community the opportunity to influence, implement, and inform research that improves the health, development, and lives of young people.
By joining our CONNECT program or by giving to the Institute, you're helping us find the answers to challenging health problems, and turn discoveries into reality for kids and families who need it most.
With you, we can make life-changing research possible.
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Our job is to find the answers. Discover more about the topics and types of research that we do here at Telethon Kids.
Research Topics