Showing results for "early lung health"
A marked shift in innate and adaptive immune response in chinese immigrants living in a western environmentThere is a marked shift in innate and adaptive immune responses in Chinese immigrants after living in a Western environment for several years

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Boosting mums’ immunity could save newborns from deadly respiratory virusesPerth respiratory researchers have discovered that giving an immune booster to mothers during pregnancy could increase their newborns’ resistance to severe and life-threatening respiratory viral infections.
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Biobank funding supports valuable research resourcesFour The Kids Research Institute Australia-based biobanks which underpin a range of cancer, respiratory and early life research have received more than $450,000 in funding.
Airway management in the paediatric difficult intubation registry: a propensity score matched analysis of outcomes over timeThe Paediatric Difficult Intubation Collaborative identified multiple attempts and persistence with direct laryngoscopy as risk factors for complications in children with difficult tracheal intubations and subsequently engaged in initiatives to reduce repeated attempts and persistence with direct laryngoscopy in children. We hypothesised these efforts would lead to fewer attempts, fewer direct laryngoscopy attempts and decrease complications.
Comparison of two measures of behavior change in children after day surgeryA contemporary, well-validated instrument for the measurement of behavior change in children after general anesthesia is lacking. The Post Hospitalization Behavior Questionnaire for Ambulatory Surgery (PHBQ-AS) has been developed as an updated version of the original Post Hospitalization Behavior Questionnaire (PHBQ) to better reflect the current patient population and modern anesthetic practices.
HPLC-UV assay of tramadol and O-desmethyltramadol in human plasma containing other drugs potentially co-administered to participants in a paediatric population pharmacokinetic studyMultimodal analgesia is employed in paediatric pain management to maximise analgesia and minimise side effects. Tramadol is dosed at 1–1.5 mg/kg to treat severe pain in children but the assay for tramadol in plasma samples for pharmacokinetic and toxicology studies does not often consider concurrently administered medications.
Pediatric airway managementChildren are at risk of severe hypoxemia in the perioperative period owing to their unique anatomy and physiology. Safe and effective airway management strategies are therefore key to the practice of pediatric anesthesia. The goal of this review is to highlight recent publications (2019-2021) aimed to advance pediatric airway safety and to highlight a proposed simple, pediatric-specific, universal framework to guide clinical practice.
The role of fit testing N95/FFP2/FFP3 masks: a narrative reviewFor healthcare workers performing aerosol-generating procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic, well fitted filtering facepiece respirators, for example, N95/FFP2 or N99/FFP3 masks, are recommended as part of personal protective equipment. In this review, we evaluate the role of fit checking and fit testing of respirators, in addition to airborne protection provided by respirators. Filtering facepiece respirators are made of material with sufficient high filter capacity to protect against airborne respiratory viruses.
WA Aboriginal Child Health Survey (WAACHS) Data Linkage StudyThis study is a partnership between researchers, the Aboriginal community and government to provide evidence for policy and practice addressing high priority health and wellbeing issues for Aboriginal children and families.