Playful BytesNurturing children's health together: A collaboration between early childhood education and care (ECEC) educators and parents on active play and eating well

News & Events
Up and at ’em: The Kids physical activity researcher named a WA Young Tall PoppyA The Kids Research Institute Australia researcher focused on promoting more active childhoods to improve child health and wellbeing will be named amongst WA’s most outstanding young scientists at the upcoming 2020 Young Tall Poppy Science Awards.

News & Events
Childcare centres urged to adopt new policy to boost kids’ physical activityChildcare centres will be invited to help boost children’s physical activity levels by signing on to a new program which commits them to creating more opportunities for physical activity.
Examining Changes in Implementation of Priority Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Practices, and Related Barriers, Over Time in Australian Early Childhood Education and Care ServicesPromoting healthy eating and physical activity in early childhood education and care is recommended within guidelines and supported by health promotion programs; however, implementation is suboptimal. Evidence suggests implementation within the sector varies over time; however, this has not been empirically examined in relation to implementation barriers.
Using Focussed Ethnography to Observe and Understand the Actions and Interactions of People With Prader-Willi Syndrome When They Exercise at a Community Gym: A ProtocolExercise for people with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is important for their health and wellbeing and can provide opportunities for community participation. However, they may find it difficult to participate in some contexts, such as community gyms because social and environmental barriers in these settings may compound difficulties caused by physical impairments or intellectual disability.
Australian children's physical activity and screen time while in grandparental careThe objective of this study was to explore Australian children's engagement in physical activity and screen time while being cared for by their grandparents.
Organizational readiness and implementation fidelity of an early childhood education and care-specific physical activity policy intervention: findings from the Play Active trialMany children do not accumulate sufficient physical activity for good health and development at early childhood education and care (ECEC). This study examined the association between ECEC organizational readiness and implementation fidelity of an ECEC-specific physical activity policy intervention.
Physical activity behaviors in trans and gender diverse adults: a scoping reviewThere is currently limited data regarding the physical activity behaviors of trans and gender diverse people (including binary and non-binary identities; henceforth trans). The aim of this review was to synthesize the existing literature in this area, with a focus on physical activity behaviors as they relate to health (e.g. health benefits, risks of adverse health outcomes).
The built environment and child obesity: A review of Australian policiesChild obesity is a serious public health challenge affected by both individual choice and societal and environmental factors. The main modifiable risk factors for child obesity are unhealthy eating and low levels of physical activity, both influenced by aspects of the built environment.
Physical activity management for youth with type 1 diabetes: Supporting active and inactive childrenRegular physical activity and exercise are important for youth and essential components of a healthy lifestyle. For youth with type 1 diabetes, regular physical activity can promote cardiovascular fitness, bone health, insulin sensitivity, and glucose management. However, the number of youth with type 1 diabetes who regularly meet minimum physical activity guidelines is low, and many encounter barriers to regular physical activity.