Tamara Veselinovic
Clinical Research Fellow
Tamara is a final year PhD student completing her research with the Ear and Hearing Health team at The Kids Research Institute Australia. Tamara works as Clinical Research Fellow in the Ear and Hearing Health team and clinical audiologist part of the Djaalinj Waakinj Centre of Ear and Hearing Health. Tamara has public appointment as a paediatric audiologist at Fiona Stanley Hospital and is a Clinical Lecturer and The University of Western Australia.
Tamara’s clinical interests are in paediatric audiology, which is complimented by her research evaluating outcomes of children with otitis media (OM). Tamara works closely with the Aboriginal Community Advisory Group in determining the most culturally appropriate ways to evaluate the ear, hearing, and quality of life of children with OM.
Goroka Otitis Media Study: Prevalence and associated risk factors of otitis media in children attending urban clinics in Goroka, Eastern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea
Otitis media (OM, middle ear infections) and the consequent hearing loss are major concerns for Aboriginal people and OM can seriously impact on children’s learning potential which in turn will impact on life as an adult.
Healthy Ears Clinical Trial: A telehealth-facilitated randomised-controlled trial utilising a health promotion intervention to resolve otitis media with effusion for children won specialist Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) waiting lists
A telehealth-facilitated randomised-controlled trial utilising a health promotion intervention to resolve otitis media with effusion for children won specialist Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) waiting lists
Djaalinj Waakinj Ear Portal: An ENT and Audiology referral pathway for improving access to ear and hearing services for Aboriginal children in the metropolitan area using telehealth
The Djaalinj Waakinj (Listening, Talking) Ear Portal project commenced in 2020 to evaluate an equitable ear and hearing care pathway for Aboriginal children residing in the metropolitan area of Perth.
Published research
Development, construct validity and utility of a cross-culturally adapted Otitis Media-6 (OM-6) questionnaire for urban Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children
Paediatric post-grommets surgery review: Audiology-led clinic
Otitis media has a high prevalence in childhood, and grommet insertion is the most common surgical treatment for OM. The public health system in Australia faces considerable strains, including high demand for Ear, Nose and Throat specialists. Extending the scope of practice for audiologists to manage post-operative care for children receiving grommets has the potential to alleviate this burden.
A hospital-based asynchronous ENT telehealth service for children with otitis media: Cost-minimisation and improved access
The purpose of this study is to explore the effectiveness of a hospital-based asynchronous ear, nose, and throat telehealth service (the Ear Portal) in reducing cost and improving access for children with otitis media.
The Impact of Waiting Times on Behavioral Outcomes for Children with Otitis Media: Results from an Urban Ear, Nose, and Throat Telehealth Service
Children with otitis media (OM) experience long waiting times to access Australia's public hospitals due to limited capacity. The aim of this article is to utilize an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) telehealth service (the Ear Portal) to examine whether delayed access to specialist care is associated with poorer behavioral outcomes for children with OM.
Recurrent otitis media and behaviour problems in middle childhood: A longitudinal cohort study
To investigate the long-term effects of early-life recurrent otitis media (OM) and subsequent behavioural problems in children at the age of 10 years.
Impact of ventilation tube insertion on long-term language outcomes at 6 and 10 years of age: A prospective pregnancy cohort study
Investigating the impact of early childhood ventilation tube insertion (VTI) on long-term language outcomes.
Ear and hearing outcomes in Aboriginal infants living in an urban Australian area: the Djaalinj Waakinj birth cohort study
Describe the ear and hearing outcomes in Aboriginal infants in an Australian urban area. Aboriginal infants enrolled in the Djaalinj Waakinj prospective cohort study had ear health screenings at ages 2-4, 6-8 and 12-18 months and audiological assessment at ∼12 months of age. Sociodemographic, environmental characteristics, otoscopy, otoacoustic emissions, tympanometry and visual reinforcement audiometry data were collected.
The association between otitis media in early childhood with later behaviour and attention problems: A longitudinal pregnancy cohort
The present study aims to investigate the association between an early history of recurrent otitis media (OM) with or without ventilation tube insertion and later behavioural problems in childhood and adolescence.
Early onset of otitis media is a strong predictor of subsequent disease in urban Aboriginal infants: Djaalinj Waakinj cohort study
Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children in rural/remote areas suffer high rates of persistent otitis media (OM) from early infancy. We aimed to determine the proportion of Aboriginal infants living in an urban area who have OM and investigate associated risk factors.
Long-term follow-up after recurrent otitis media and ventilation tube insertion: Hearing outcomes and middle-ear health at six years of age
To investigate the long-term impact of recurrent otitis media (rOM) and ventilation tube insertion (VTI) in early childhood on hearing outcomes and middle-ear health three to five years later, in a prospective pregnancy cohort study.
High prevalence of hearing loss in urban Aboriginal infants: the Djaalinj Waakinj cohort study
Education and Qualifications
- Bachelor of Science with Honours (Majoring in Physiology) from the University of Western Australia
- Master of Clinical Audiology from the University of Western Australia
Active Collaborations
- University of Western Australia
- National Acoustic Laboratory
- Hearing Australia
- Fiona Stanley – Fremantle Hospital Group