Plasma C4d as marker for lupus nephritis in systemic lupus erythematosusIn the present study, we sought to evaluate the complement activation product C4d as a marker for lupus nephritis in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).
Genome-wide DNA methylation profiling identifies a folate-sensitive region of differential methylation upstream of ZFP57-imprinting regulator in humansThis study identified that expsoure to folate has effects on the regulation of DNA methylation during fetal development.
Inert 50-nm Polystyrene Nanoparticles That Modify Pulmonary Dendritic Cell Function and Inhibit Allergic Airway InflammationNanoparticles are being developed for diverse biomedical applications, but there is concern about potential to promote inflammation, particularly in the lungs.
UV exposure and protection against allergic airways diseaseAsthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the small and large conducting airway mucosa characterised by Th2 cell immunity.
Identification and Isolation of Rodent Respiratory Tract Dendritic CellsThis chapter describes the preparation of respiratory tract tissue from both mice and rats for the isolation of respiratory tract dendritic cells (RTDC).

Size-Dependent Uptake of Particles by Pulmonary Antigen-Presenting Cell PopulationsThe respiratory tract is an attractive target organ for novel diagnostic and therapeutic applications with nano-sized carriers, but their immune effects and...
Toward homeostasis: Regulatory dendritic cells from the bone marrow of mice with inflammationInflammatory mediators from peripheral tissues may control dendritic cell (DC) development in the bone marrow.
Role of stem cell precursors in tissuesWe have recently published a paper identifying precursor populations in peripheral lung (2017), and have also discovered that these populations can be found in multiple tissues.

Mapping changes in immune cell populations in gestational tissues over the course of pregnancyThis is a strategic “pilot” project in which we are seeking basic information on the immune cell content of gestational tissues.