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Autism Research

The Kids' autism research takes place at CliniKids, a centre that integrates world-class research with a clinical service for children with developmental delay and/or autism and their families. Our team of researchers work in partnership with clinicians to give the community access to the world's best evidence-based therapies.

CliniKids researchers investigate the early identification and support of autistic children. CliniKids research focuses on young children with developmental delay; therapies for autistic children; adolescent and adult outcomes; autism policy; and biological research.

The team comprises more than 40 researchers and clinicians from a variety of backgrounds (psychology, speech pathology, occupational therapy, genetics, education, nursing, neuroscience). Researchers are funded through grants from the NHMRC, ARC, NIH and other competitive research funding bodies. The team collaborates with over 200 researchers from around the world, and is a prominent partner within the Autism Cooperative Research Centre.

The team is also committed to the translation of scientific knowledge, as demonstrated through our work in scientific communication ('60 Second Science' video series, viewed by more than 1.5 million people), and our leadership on national policy (researchers led the development of Australia’s first guidelines for autism diagnosis and support for autistic children and their families).

The CliniKids Team is focused on conducting research on the most pressing issues facing the autism community through:

  • Improving lives by discovering acceptable, feasible and effective/efficacious methods for reducing challenges associated with autism.
  • Connecting research outcomes to policy by working with the State and Federal Governments to develop evidence-based policy for autistic individuals.
  • Developing research infrastructure by creating a research base that can be connected to international research efforts.
  • Building a community and developing ways for the autism community to connect in a positive and beneficial way.

Team highlights

  • The completion and publication of the first Australian clinical guideline for supporting autistic children and their families, which was endorsed by the NHMRC council in February 2023.
  • The completion and publication of the first Australian clinical guideline for ASD assessment diagnosis, which was endorsed by the NHMRC council in July 2018.
  • Completion of the Australian Autism Biobank, Australia’s largest repository of biological information collected form children with ASD and their families (>5000 biospecimens). 
  • Publication of more than 20 peer-reviewed papers;/year, including many in high-ranging journals (e.g., Pediatrics, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Nature Communications).

Team leader

Angela Wright Bennett Professor of Autism Research at The Kids Research Institute Australia; Director, CliniKids

Team members (50)

Gemma Upson
Gemma Upson

BSc MClinAud MBA

General Manager, CliniKids & Inklings

Theresa Pastor
Theresa Pastor

BA Speech and Hearing Therapy (Hons)

Sarah Pillar
Sarah Pillar


Manager, Research Development; PhD Candidate

Aarti Saiganesh
Aarti Saiganesh

BSc (Hons), PhD

Senior Program Manager, CliniKids

David Trembath
David Trembath

BaAppSc, MAppSc, PhD

Honorary Research Fellow

Dr Kandice Varcin
Dr Kandice Varcin

M.Psych (Clinical), PhD

Honorary Research Associate

Jess Reynolds
Jess Reynolds

BSc(Hons), BScTech, PhD W.Aust. SpecCertCR(Neuro) Melb.

Abby Chee

Abby Chee

Senior Clinical Psychologist

Alena Clark

Alena Clark

Project Manager

Ally Raphael

Ally Raphael

Occupational Therapist

Amanda Lewis

Amanda Lewis

Communications Specialist

Amy Deverell

Amy Deverell

Development Specialist

Amy Eaton

Amy Eaton

Client Support Officer

Aria May

Aria May

Clinical Lead, Speech Pathology

Carla Hall

Carla Hall

Administration and Events Manager

Celine Bollinger

Celine Bollinger

Senior Administration Officer

Christina Then

Christina Then

Client Support Officer

Claire Perrozzi

Claire Perrozzi

Speech Pathologist

Danae Day

Danae Day

Client Support Officer

Debbie Eamer

Debbie Eamer

Project Officer

Diana Tan

Diana Tan

Honorary Research Associate

Emma Corry

Emma Corry

Speech Pathologist

Emma Moon

Emma Moon

Administration and Events Coordinator

Felicity Rose

Felicity Rose

Project Manager

Fleur van Dooren

Fleur van Dooren

Project Coordinator

Gayle Hillen

Gayle Hillen

Senior Occupational Therapist

Georgina Earl

Georgina Earl

Clinical Research Assessor

Jenny Palmer

Jenny Palmer

Operations Coordinator, Inklings Pilot

Justina Sparks

Justina Sparks

Project Manager

Kathi Roiger

Kathi Roiger

Clinical Research Assessor

Kiah Evans

Kiah Evans

Honorary Research Associate

Lauren McLellan

Lauren McLellan

Operations Manager, Inklings Pilot

Leah Meehan

Leah Meehan

CliniKids Operations Manager

Lindy Henry

Lindy Henry

Senior Clinical Research Therapist

Marie Rodatz

Marie Rodatz

Clinical Lead, Occupational Therapy

Marisa Di Lorenzo

Marisa Di Lorenzo

Senior Speech Pathologist

Mei’en Lim

Mei’en Lim

Clinical Lead, Clinical Psychology

Michelle Renton

Michelle Renton

Senior Clinical Research Therapist

Nicki Williams

Nicki Williams

Client Support Officer

Noor Chehayber

Noor Chehayber

Project Administration Officer

Pip Comisky

Pip Comisky

Operations Manager

Rebecca Langford

Rebecca Langford

Senior Manager, Inklings Pilot

Rebecca Kuzminiski

Rebecca Kuzminiski

Project Coordinator

Sally Grauaug

Sally Grauaug

Senior Speech Pathologist

Samantha Rivers

Samantha Rivers

Senior Clinical Research Assessor

Sarah Cattermole

Sarah Cattermole

Aboriginal Community Coordinator

Shane Lay

Shane Lay

Clinical Psychologist Registrar

Storme-Louisa Will

Storme-Louisa Will

Therapy Assistant ad JASPER Practitioner

Tarryn Culverhouse

Tarryn Culverhouse

Occupational Therapist

Autism research videos

Reports and Findings

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Influences of bilingual input on English vocabulary size and academic outcomes: a large-scale longitudinal study following children in Australia from five to ten years

Research from large population-based studies investigating the language and academic outcomes for bilingual children is rare. The current study aimed to investigate the influence of dual language exposure on (i) English vocabulary outcomes at 5 years (126 bilinguals, 1675 monolinguals), and 10 years (vocabulary: 92 bilinguals, 1413 monolinguals:), and (ii) academic outcomes at 10 years (107 bilinguals, 1746 monolinguals).

‘It depends entirely on the nature of those supports’: Community perceptions of the appropriateness of early support services for autistic children

We do not know much about what support services people think are okay for young autistic children. This study was a survey of 253 people. We asked autistic adults, parents, and professionals from Australia and New Zealand whether they thought it was okay to provide support services to autistic children. 

A pilot evaluation of school-based LEGO robotics therapy for autistic students

There is emerging evidence that LEGO® therapy is an effective way of supporting younger autistic children develop their communication and social skills. LEGO® robotics therapy - which uses the principles of LEGO® therapy applied to LEGO® robotics - may be an age-appropriate intervention to reduce anxiety and increase social skills in autistic adolescents.

Developmental Mismatch Across Brain Modalities in Young Children

Brain development during the preschool period is complex and extensive and underlies ongoing behavioral and cognitive maturation. Increasing understanding of typical brain maturation during this time is critical to early identification of atypical development and could inform treatments and interventions.

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