CliniKids researchers investigate the early identification and support of autistic children. CliniKids research focuses on young children with developmental delay; therapies for autistic children; adolescent and adult outcomes; autism policy; and biological research.
The team comprises more than 40 researchers and clinicians from a variety of backgrounds (psychology, speech pathology, occupational therapy, genetics, education, nursing, neuroscience). Researchers are funded through grants from the NHMRC, ARC, NIH and other competitive research funding bodies. The team collaborates with over 200 researchers from around the world, and is a prominent partner within the Autism Cooperative Research Centre.
The team is also committed to the translation of scientific knowledge, as demonstrated through our work in scientific communication ('60 Second Science' video series, viewed by more than 1.5 million people), and our leadership on national policy (researchers led the development of Australia’s first guidelines for autism diagnosis and support for autistic children and their families).
The CliniKids Team is focused on conducting research on the most pressing issues facing the autism community through:
- Improving lives by discovering acceptable, feasible and effective/efficacious methods for reducing challenges associated with autism.
- Connecting research outcomes to policy by working with the State and Federal Governments to develop evidence-based policy for autistic individuals.
- Developing research infrastructure by creating a research base that can be connected to international research efforts.
- Building a community and developing ways for the autism community to connect in a positive and beneficial way.
Team highlights
- The completion and publication of the first Australian clinical guideline for supporting autistic children and their families, which was endorsed by the NHMRC council in February 2023.
- The completion and publication of the first Australian clinical guideline for ASD assessment diagnosis, which was endorsed by the NHMRC council in July 2018.
- Completion of the Australian Autism Biobank, Australia’s largest repository of biological information collected form children with ASD and their families (>5000 biospecimens).
- Publication of more than 20 peer-reviewed papers;/year, including many in high-ranging journals (e.g., Pediatrics, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Nature Communications).
Team leader
Angela Wright Bennett Professor of Autism Research at The Kids Research Institute Australia; Director, CliniKids
Team members (50)

BSc MClinAud MBA


BA Speech and Hearing Therapy (Hons)


BSc (Hons), PhD

BaAppSc, MAppSc, PhD
Honorary Research Fellow

M.Psych (Clinical), PhD
Honorary Research Associate

BSc(Hons), BScTech, PhD W.Aust. SpecCertCR(Neuro) Melb.
Abby Chee
Senior Clinical Psychologist
Alena Clark
Project Manager
Ally Raphael
Occupational Therapist
Amanda Lewis
Communications Specialist
Amy Deverell
Development Specialist
Amy Eaton
Client Support Officer
Aria May
Clinical Lead, Speech Pathology
Carla Hall
Administration and Events Manager
Celine Bollinger
Senior Administration Officer
Christina Then
Client Support Officer
Claire Perrozzi
Speech Pathologist
Danae Day
Client Support Officer
Debbie Eamer
Project Officer
Diana Tan
Honorary Research Associate
Emma Corry
Speech Pathologist
Emma Moon
Administration and Events Coordinator
Felicity Rose
Project Manager
Fleur van Dooren
Project Coordinator
Gayle Hillen
Senior Occupational Therapist
Georgina Earl
Clinical Research Assessor
Jenny Palmer
Operations Coordinator, Inklings Pilot
Justina Sparks
Project Manager
Kathi Roiger
Clinical Research Assessor
Kiah Evans
Honorary Research Associate
Lauren McLellan
Operations Manager, Inklings Pilot
Leah Meehan
CliniKids Operations Manager
Lindy Henry
Senior Clinical Research Therapist
Marie Rodatz
Clinical Lead, Occupational Therapy
Marisa Di Lorenzo
Senior Speech Pathologist
Mei’en Lim
Clinical Lead, Clinical Psychology
Michelle Renton
Senior Clinical Research Therapist
Nicki Williams
Client Support Officer
Noor Chehayber
Project Administration Officer
Pip Comisky
Operations Manager
Rebecca Langford
Senior Manager, Inklings Pilot
Rebecca Kuzminiski
Project Coordinator
Sally Grauaug
Senior Speech Pathologist
Samantha Rivers
Senior Clinical Research Assessor
Sarah Cattermole
Aboriginal Community Coordinator
Shane Lay
Clinical Psychologist Registrar
Storme-Louisa Will
Therapy Assistant ad JASPER Practitioner
Tarryn Culverhouse
Occupational Therapist
Featured projects
Developing national guidelines for intervention with children on the autism spectrum in Australia
The CliniBank Study: A research project to improve future clinical supports for children experiencing developmental difficulties
Other projects
Implementation of the National Guideline for the Assessment and Diagnosis of ASD in Australia – Health Sector Capacity Building The Proactive Study A randomised-controlled trial of a parent-mediated intervention for managing uncertainty in young children diagnosed on the autism spectrum Effect of an exercise intervention (Move2Engage: Youth) on activity levels, quality of sleep and mental health outcomes in children and youth with movement difficulties A randomised-controlled trial of a behavioural intervention for optimising social and communication development in newborns at increased likelihood of autism spectrum disorders Assistance and Companion Dogs for children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Fragile X All Autism Research projects